Discipleship Training: Week 12 by Heather Compton
Turn in your bibles to Matthew 13
Jesus liked to teach in parables. A parable is a simple story that explains spiritual truths. The stories didn't really happen but illustrated something that could happen (they weren’t far-fetched or fantasy).
The first parable in this passage is the farmer scattering seed. This is often referred to as the parable of the sower. You can also read about this in Mark 4:26-33 and Luke 8:4-15.
Let's think of the farmer as your pastor. He comes to each service with a bag of seed and he plans to scatter among everyone who hears his voice. The first seeds fall on the footpath. This represents people who hear the word but don't understand or never accept what is being presented to them. This could also represent those who come to church but are distracted by social media or people around them. The seed came to them but because they weren't paying attention it didn't take root in their life. Don't be a footpath person. Don't just show up to church to check it off your list. Come to learn and grow! Life giving truths are presented there.
The second seeds fell on shallow soil without deep roots. This represents a person who heard the word and received it. They agreed the word was accurate and they were happy about it. Then after the message they never do anything to cultivate the soil. They don't become a doer of the word and they don't meditate on the word they heard. So the words never become real to them. They have head knowledge but it never becomes heart knowledge. The first time trouble comes they fall away. Remember faith comes by hearing and hearing the word of God. To build your faith you are gonna have to keep hearing the Word and putting it into practice. Don't be a shallow christian!
The third seed falls among thorns. This is the person who hears the word, but they can't put it into practice because they are too full of worry and doubt. The cares of this world have taken over their mind and they have no peace. They hear it but it doesn't change anything because the NOISE of the world is louder. This is where we must learn to renew our mind. We must quiet our worry, fear and doubt by being filled up with the truth of the word. Doubt and worry are dry areas of life that must be constantly washed by the Word of God. This isn't easy. It will take discipline to get into the word and refuse to allow the devil to win in your life. Don’t be a thorny christian!
The last seeds fall on good soil. These are people who hear and understand. They take in the word and immediately put it into practice. This has nothing to do with your knowledge of the Bible or how long you have been a christian. I have seen people get saved and immediately become good soil. They want all God has for them and go after it. They become students of the bible and are attached to a good “farmer” who constantly is offering good seed. I have also seen people who have been a christian most of their life but never become good soil. The word is alive and active ( we talked about that in last week's lesson) and if you put it to work in your life it will WORK! BE a good soil christian! Make a decision now to hear the word and immediately put it into practice in your life. Allow the word to change you and the life you live.
Internal reflection: Look at the current state of your christian walk. What type of christian are you? ________________ What do you need to do to become a good soil Christian?
There are many other parables in this chapter. Is there one that stands out to you or helps you gain understanding in a certain area? Y/N which one? ________________________________________________________
Memory Verse: Matthew 12:9
Anyone who has ears to hear should listen and understand!