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Discipleship Training by Heather Compton Week 1

Feb 13, 2024

2 min read



Let’s begin by focusing on the life of Jesus!  We will start by looking at Jesus as a person, how he acted and the things he said! It is important to go deep into His life so we can imitate his actions. After all, to be a disciple of someone I must really know Him! 

Let’s look at Matthew 4:1-11 and Luke 4:1-13 

We see in this passage that Jesus was tempted by Satan multiple times. What core qualities do you see in Jesus during this time of temptation?


 The first step to defeating the devil is to be led by the spirit!  We see at the beginning of both passages that Jesus went into the wilderness FULL of the Holy Spirit!  Many of us are walking into situations each day alone!  It is not His will for us to fight alone.  The Holy Spirit is a person who was given to us as a helper, comforter, friend, guide, and director! You will never defeat the temptation and trouble of the enemy without the HOLY SPIRIT leading your life and guiding your steps. Are you taking full advantage of Him today? Y/N

Internal Reflection: Every time Jesus was questioned by Satan he responded with the word of God.  What are you saying when temptation comes? Are you speaking the Word or the problem? Are you allowing the mess to overshadow the truth? Are you strong in faith or doubt?

 List below some struggles that you have and then beside it list 1-2 verses each that you can stand on to overcome these things.  The devil will back off when he hears the WORD of GOD!  So often we are trying to beat the enemy in our own strength and it feels like we are failing! The Word works 100% of the time but we have to work it!  We must confess it from our mouths and we must believe it!  I believe Jesus spoke with authority while in the wilderness and because of it the devil had no choice but to flee!


Make sure these scriptures are before your eyes each day! Even post note cards around your room or house so you can continue to have HIS words on your lips and mind rather than what the enemy is whispering in your ear!

 Look back at Matthew 4:11.  We see that after He defeated the devil by using scripture, the ANGELS came and ministered to him. The New Living translation says that they took care of him and the Passion Translation says they gathered around Him and ministered to His needs!  When you speak the Word, not only will the devil have to leave, but the angels will then gather around you and minister to you, strengthen you and help you make it victoriously!


Key Verse: James 4:7 (Take time to memorize if you haven’t already)

Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you!

Feb 13, 2024

2 min read



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