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Discipleship Training by Heather ComptonWeek 21

Feb 13, 2024

2 min read



Turn your Bibles to Acts 11

As we begin reading in chapter 11, we find Peter returning home. I am sure he was on a spiritual high after experiencing many miraculous signs and wonders with the Gentiles. However, he wasn't greeted with joy from his fellow believers. They weren't even happy to hear that he entered the house of 

Gentiles, much less shared with them the Gospel. At that moment, Peter began to explain all the things that had happened,  supernatural things that no one could understand or explain away.  He explained to them that the Lord had said to him, “Don’t call something unclean if the Lord has made it clean.” After Peter explained all that had happened, they decided this must be from God.  They stopped trying to figure it out and just began praising God. 

Internal Reflection: Sometimes, things happen that we don't understand. It is easy to immediately think it must NOT be God if it is different from how it has always been. This year, I want to encourage you to look at things through HIS eyes. To the Jews, the Gentiles weren’t worthy of the Gospel. Maybe you have been someone who looks down on others or sees certain groups of people as unworthy. Jesus died for us ALL! Reach out to the unreachable, love the unlovable, and see good in those that everyone else rejects.  It is in these moments that HIS love is complete in you. Love, real Christ-like love, is the only thing that will turn a hard heart soft. Examine yourself and decide today to love as HE loves.

Jesus was moved with compassion.  We see time and time again in scripture that Jesus, moved with compassion, helped others.  He looked past His current situations and circumstances. He looked past His feelings and helped people.  It was in His love for others, that many people came to HIM. He just did what the Father wanted Him to do. We see He went to those who were demon-possessed, some of which could pose a real threat.  He went to the contagious leper and many other people suffering from various diseases. He even ministered to the criminal on the cross. No one was off-limits or out of reach. Let’s all decide to be more like Jesus.  When He sends you to someone, be obedient and allow the GOD in you to change their life. 

Memory Verse: (take time to memorize)  Mark 16:15

And He said unto them, “Go ye into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature.”

Feb 13, 2024

2 min read



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