Discipleship Training by Heather Compton Week 16
Turn your Bibles to Acts 2-4
Beginning in Chapter 2, we see the Holy Spirit shows up, and everyone in the place is baptized! They all began speaking in unknown languages (tongues). The cool part is that it got the attention of everyone in the city. We see that they were drawn to the noise and then amazed that they could each understand their own language (only God could do that). What an amazing miracle. So often, as spirit-filled believers, we shy away from telling others about the gift of the Holy Spirit. We become afraid that they may be scared about praying in tongues, but the Holy Spirit is the very force that draws people to repentance. Sure, many people don't understand, and that creates fear, but deep down, they can't deny that it is real! Never allow fear to keep the Holy Spirit hidden in your life
In verse 14, we see that Peter used this as an opportunity to begin to share the good news of Jesus Christ. He preached with boldness that only the Holy Spirit can give. The words brought how many people to Jesus that day? ______
Can you imagine adding that many people to your church in one day?
Continue to read and take note of how the Holy Spirit at work in Peter totally changed him. Remember Peter, the man who denied Jesus out of fear for his own life, is now allowing the Spirit of God to work through him and give him boldness. In Chapter 4, we see him being arrested and questioned. Look at verse 8 “Then Peter, filled with the Holy Spirit, said.” Rather than running to hide, rather than denying in fear, Peter spoke under the unction of the Holy Spirit. Verse 13 shows us that their actions led the accusers to see that they HAD been with Jesus.
The Holy Spirit should change you! His presence in your life should cause other people to take notice that you have been with Jesus.
Internal Reflection: Are you filled with the Holy Spirit? If yes, what changes has his presence made in your life? Are there ways you can yield to Him more or allow Him more access to your life? If you aren't filled with the Holy Spirit, it is something you need to do! Ask Him to fill you now! ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Look up the following verses concerning Holy Spirit baptism: Ephesians 5:18, Acts 13:52, Acts 2:4, Acts 1:8, Acts 2:38, and John 1:33
Memory Verse: (take time to memorize) John 14:16
And I will ask the Father, and He will give you another helper, to be with you forever.