Discipleship Training by Heather Compton Week 17
Turn your Bibles to Acts 5:1-11
My pastor, Chuck Evaline, has been preaching about being people of integrity. You can find these messages on our YouTube page (Resurrection Life Church- Clarksville, IN). The messages are listed under the live tab and dated 7.23.23 am, 7.30.23 am, and 8.6.23 am.
What is the definition of integrity?
A person of integrity is someone who is the same no matter where they are or who they are with.
In a world that is fake, it is important that we remain genuine and have integrity.
In this passage, we see a big example of people without integrity. Ananias and Sapphira were selling some property and had promised to give the profit to the church. The story picks up with Ananias bringing the “amount” to the apostles. Let me pause quickly and explain it wasn't about the amount brought. He wasn't obligated to give any of it to the Lord (See verse 3 and 4). The problem lies in the fact that he promised the whole amount and then lied about the amount he was bringing. Peter asks him how Satan had filled his heart and made him think he could lie to the Holy Spirit, and with that, he fell dead. Three hours later, we see Sapphira come in and say the same thing as her husband, sealing her fate as well.
So often, as humans, we think we can get away with things. Maybe we feel like God will never find out. How silly to think! He knows everything. The Bible says in Luke 12:2-3 that everything done in darkness will be brought to light, and that which is done in secret will be made known. You can’t hide anything from Him. It is important to be an honest person who practices integrity.
Below I have listed a few quotable quotes from my pastor:
When we live a life of integrity, we take the weapons the devil intended to use against us out of his hands!
If you wouldn't say it at church, don't say it at home.
Never say or do anything that would make you a disgrace to God.
Integrity refuses to compromise.
Everything we say or do should be above board.
Never cause someone to question Christ because of the way you are acting.
Internal Reflection: Take a look at your life right now. Are you a person of integrity? Do people see you and see Christ? Are you acting in a way that would bring shame to Jesus? Use the space below to list areas you can work on to be a person of integrity. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Memory Verse: (take time to memorize) 1 Timothy 3:7
Also, people outside the church must speak well of him so that he will not be disgraced and fall into the devil’s trap.