Discipleship Training by Heather Compton Week 18
Turn your Bibles to Acts 6 & 7
God wants to use you! The devil is constantly lying and trying to make people feel lesser than! He wants you to think that if you aren’t the preacher or in a five-fold ministry, you have no value, and God can’t use you for amazing things. The truth is amazing things only happen when we all come together and use our talents in unity. Every joint supplies!
Take a few minutes and list what you are good at. What are some of your strengths that could be used by the Lord?
In Acts 6 & 7, we see the story of Stephen. Stephen was a common man. We see in the beginning of chapter 6 that the twelve called together the other disciples to form a team to serve food daily. The twelve were spending their time in prayer and preparation for ministry and needed others to step up with their talents and help with what some would see as a meaningless task. Stephen was chosen to be one of the seven to fulfill this job. In order to be selected, you had to have a good reputation and be filled with the Holy Spirit (side note - we see here that being filled with the Spirit is essential to be successful in any ministry opportunity). So Stephen and the six others began to do their duties daily with joy, not grumbling and complaining, not seeking a better position or a great platform. They ministered in the place the Lord had them. With this, more and more people were added to the church. As in every church, if everyone will get unified and work wholeheartedly unto the Lord, people will come. Then, we see in verse 8 of chapter 6 that Stephen did many great signs and miracles. Stephen wasn't the preacher. Stephen wasn't in the five-fold ministry. Stephen wasn't looking for a platform or position. Stephen was serving GOD and allowing the Holy Spirit to have full authority in his life right where God had placed him. He was a food server. He was a helps minister, and because he yielded to the Spirit, God was able to use him in greater ways than we have ever seen.
God sees our attitude. God sees us when no one else is looking. He sees us when we cut corners because the task given is beneath what we think we should be doing. God desires to use us all in great ways, but we have to be willing to be used. Here I am, God, use me!!
In Chapter 7, we see that Stephen was eventually stoned for his faith. Look at verse 56. This was right before he died. He was able to see into heaven and see God standing. This is the only recorded time in the Bible that the Lord gave someone a standing ovation. It wasn't for the great preacher or the evangelist that is known all over the world; it was for the food service worker who allowed the Holy Spirit to be big in him.
Internal Reflection: Do you currently serve at your church or in a helps ministry position? Has the devil tried to get you to think that it is less important than other positions? What can you do to take what you are doing and increase the anointing on it? How can you go to another level? Even if you are the toilet cleaner, what can you do now to take that to another level? (Use a separate sheet of paper to gather your thoughts)
Memory Verse: (take time to memorize) 1 Peter 4:10
God has given each of you a gift from his great variety of spiritual gifts. Use them well to serve one another.