Discipleship Training by Heather Compton Week 9
Turn in your bible to Matthew 12:9-13, Mark 3:1-6 and Luke 6:6-11.
I want to start going through the miracles Jesus preformed while walking the earth. It is important we know, in depth, what He did. By knowing, our faith grows and we know what to expect. The bible says in Matthew 22:29 you are in error because you do not know the scriptures or the power of God. We do NOT want to be those who don’t know the POWER of God! In Hosea 4:6 it says,”my people are destroyed for a lack of knowledge.” We are going deeper, becoming experts in the word. We will not be found ignorant or destroyed! Hallelujah!
I want to start today by talking about the man with the withered hand. I want to look at this from the healing standpoint but also look at how Jesus handled those around the miracle. Jesus performed this miracle in church with the church “leaders” present. We see the throughout this small passage the religious leaders were trying to find fault. They were looking for a way they could accuse him of doing wrong. They were questioning and murmuring behind his back. The bible says He knew their thoughts and began to ask questions. Jesus knows all! They were breeding doubt and unbelief in their thoughts and words. The man that needed a miracle had faith. Sometimes we are faced with a situation that warrants a miracle; however people around us are in doubt and questioning. Never allow the negative thoughts/actions of someone else to steal what you are in need of. We see that Jesus (after dealing with the “leaders”), asked the man in need of a miracle to stand up and stretch out his hand. Instantly, it was healed and made whole. In Luke 6 (NKJV) it says that it was restored and became as whole as the other. He brought it back to original condition, in the midst of those who walked in unbelief.
Internal reflection: When the spirit begins moving in a service are you a participator or a spectator? Do you find it is easier to doubt or believe? Do you begin to doubt if He can or will do it? Y/N
If yes, how can you grow your faith? By hearing and hearing and hearing the Word of God!
I think occasionally we have all found ourselves in doubt. The devil attempts to get us all in unbelief because he knows faith isn’t found there. I recently read a book by Jerry Savelle Thoughts-the battle between your ears. It is an excellent book and I encourage you to get a copy and read it. In one chapter he talked about how easy it is to ask “Can He?” It is natural to ask that. However, if we know the truth of the Word than we know that “He can”!! We need to all make an effort in our thought life to never allow the words “Can He” to cross our minds, rather always say “He can”. He can and will heal me! He can! He can! He can! He is capable for doing exceedingly abundantly above all (Ephesians 3:20). If you are in need of healing, stretch out the hand of faith and boldly declare “HE CAN” and I receive my healing today!
When you go to the altar for healing or a miracle, are you questioning or are you going in faith? The one questioning is probably going back to his seat the same way he came up. Walk up in faith, expecting a miracle. Wake up each morning thanking God that the miracle is manifesting in your life and you are restored.
Please take about 30 minutes and go watch a study Nancy Dufresne recorded on this particular miracle. You will find it by going to YouTube and then to Dufresne Ministries. The episode is listed as 121-Healing of the Withered Hand. Take notes on a separate sheet of paper.
Key Verse: John 8:32 (Take time to memorize if you haven’t already)
And you will know the truth and the truth shall set you free!