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Discipleship Training by Heather ComptonWeek 2

Feb 13, 2024

3 min read



Last week we read about Jesus being tempted in the wilderness.  Immediately after this the bible talks about how he went out and called the disciples. Today, I want to talk about how to be a disciple of Jesus, after all, that is what these weekly lessons are all about.

Let’s look at Matthew 4:18-22, Mark 1:16-20, and John 1:35-51 

We see in this passage that Jesus went out and found his disciples and compelled them to lay down what they were doing and follow Him. The word disciple is from the Greek word Mathetes and means a learner. Simply put, it is someone who wants to continue to learn and grow in the things of God. Someone who isn’t satisfied with good enough but desires to go as deep as possible with HIM.

The first thing Jesus said was “Come to me and I will make you fishers of men!’ This tells me to qualify as a disciple; I must be willing to lay down whatever I am doing and focus on bringing others to Christ. Just as precious as fish are to a fisherman, so should souls be to the disciple! It should be our #1 priority and our daily mission.  

We don’t see in these passages that Jesus interviewed them, or asked them for a list of qualifications. He didn’t look into their past mistakes or childhood shortcomings. He simply said “Follow me and I will make you...”  That is what he is saying to you today!  FOLLOW ME AND I WANT TO MAKE YOU… He desires to make you into the disciple that HE can already see!  He has a plan and a purpose for you but you need to let go of all insecurities or the thoughts that you don’t have what it takes. You have HIM, and if HE has your whole heart then you are on the right track to success!!

Internal Reflection: When thinking about what has been said, do you qualify as a disciple?  Are you waking up each day with souls on your mind? Has it become a priority for you? Y/N 

The great commission is listed in Matthew 28 and is listed at the end of this lesson as our key verse.  It begins by saying GO YE and as my pastor stated a while back YE=ME!  Make it personal. As a Disciple I must be committed to going and doing what He commands. This must be first place in our life. In addition, His word must be priority also! John 8:31 says if you continue in my word you will truly be my disciples.

In SMTI (year one) Dr. Barclay lists 9 things that we need to do to be a disciple and to disciple others.

·         Speak the truth in love

·         Reprove, Rebuke, correct, and give instructions for right living

·         Effectual fervent prayers

·         The art of fasting

·         Teach them

·         Train them (Show them)

·         Spend time with them

·         Faithful attendance in church

·         Being excellent in everything you do

Key Verse: Mathew 28: 19-20 (Take time to memorize if you haven’t already)

Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you always even until the end of the world. 

What do you need to personally work on to be a disciple and then to make disciples? (Use a separate sheet of paper)

Feb 13, 2024

3 min read



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