Discipleship Training by Heather ComptonWeek 8
Turn in your bible to Matthew 10.
Start by reading the whole chapter. At the beginning of the chapter we see that Jesus calls the twelve disciples and then sends them out for ministry. You can also see this in Mark 6:7-13 and Luke 9:1-2. They were selected as disciples/apostles and then sent out to do the work. He had a specific plan for them which He lays out in the rest of the chapter. So many people are content in the place they are in and never feel the need to ‘do’ anything. You were not saved to sit. Yes, we all need to find our place in the church and come faithfully and listen, but that is only the first step in what we are suppose to be doing. He is compelling us to take what we have learned and go out and share that with others. We should each have a ministry. Your ministry may not look like mine, as only a few will ever preach from a pulpit, but you have opportunities every day to minister. Even if you stay at home with your kids, you still have a ministry. Their future depends on the ministry you have at home. Don’t you dare let the devil diminish YOUR ministry.
Internal Reflection: Have you taken time to seek the Lord regarding your ministry? What does He want you to do? If you ask, He will be clear in what He has for your life. Take a few moments and brain storm. How are you already doing ministry? What desires do you believe are God inspired?
Let’s look back at Matthew 10:6-8. This is what we are ALL called to do. Let’s break it down.
1.) Gather- This scripture is plain that we are to go FIND lost sheep and bring them in. Dr. Barclay was speaking at the Holy Spirit conference last night and said it is time to COMPEL them to come. We are far past a casual invite or a passing comment. We need to find them and bring them in. It is an eternal life and death situation.
2.) Preach- No, you do not need to present 3 points a poem and a prayer everywhere you go, but your words should preach. Your actions should preach. Your love and compassion should preach. Your mannerisms should preach. Are you preaching?
3.) Heal- Jesus went about healing all sorts of sicknesses and diseases. It is what He did everywhere He went. He has commanded us to do the same things. You can’t do that unless you make yourself available and are confident in the God you serve. You encounter sick people all the time. Don’t just tell them you will pray later. Grab their hand and begin to pray right where you are. It goes on to say cleanse the leper and raise the dead. You will never raise the dead if you first can’t grab a hand and pray with them. Carry some anointing oil with you.
4.) Cast Out- the last thing mentioned is to CAST OUT DEMONS! You have the God given authority to do this. 1 John 4:4 says He that is in you is GREATER than he that is in the world. A Holy Spirit filled believer has been given power over demons and all demonic powers. Use the name of Jesus and walk in the authority that He has given you.
What areas above are you doing and doing well? What areas do you need to work on? Do you feel comfortable doing these things? If you are like most people, some of these things (maybe all of them) are uncomfortable, but remember nothing good from God ever manifests in your comfort zone. You have got to step out to see HIM move in your life. Take time to answer these questions on a separate sheet of paper.
Finish reading the chapter and list on a separate sheet of paper anything else that stood out to you.
Key Verse: 1 John 4:4 b (Take time to memorize if you haven’t already)
Greater is He who is in you than he who is in the world.